Win A One-Of-A-Kind Harley Davidson Motorbike Worth £15,000!!!

Win A One-Of-A-Kind Harley Davidson Motorbike Worth £15,000!!! Win A One-Of-A-Kind Harley Davidson Motorbike Worth £15,000!!!

Win A One-Of-A-Kind Harley Davidson Motorbike Worth £15,000!!!

As long-time supporters of local hospice St Wilfrid's, at W.Bruford we are excited to share with our community the opportunity to win a one-of-a-kind Harley Davidson Motorbike worth £15,000!!

And not just any Harley Davidson, meet "Wilf".

Kindly donated by Sykes Harley Davidson to raise money to support St Wilfrid's, and already a rare bike - the Sportster 48 XL1200X - as Harley Davidson have stopped production of this model, "Wilf" truly is a one-off piece thanks to his bespoke customisation and retro-inspired paint design.

Did you know that it costs around £100 to provide one day of nursing care at St Wilfrid's?

With the aim of transforming end of life care for the people of Eastbourne, Seaford, Hailsham, Uckfield and Heathfield and all the points in between, St Wilfrids want to see a community where people talk openly about dying, live well until the very end, and where nobody dies alone, afraid or in pain.

To show your support and to be in with a chance of winning, all you need to do is purchase a ticket in the raffle taking place on Friday 1st June 2022!

Tickets cost £100 each, reflecting the value of this incredible prize - with all proceeds going towards continuing the hospice's work - and can be purchased at the Sykes Harley Davidson showroom, at the hospice, or by calling St Wilfrid's Community Fundraising Manager Sarah Marsh on 01323 434284.

Good Luck!!

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