Valuations at Brufords

Valuations at Brufords Valuations at Brufords
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Valuations at Brufords

At Brufords, our team of in-house experts can provide valuation services for insurance, sale and probate purposes. 


Our valuations for insurance purposes are completed in house by a local valuer who is member of the National Associations of Jewellers Institute of Registered Valuers.

Each individual valuation includes:
- Cleaning of all the items
- Colour photography of each individual item
- A typed copy of all paperwork
    New Valuation
    £50 + 1% of the overall value*
    Up to 3 weeks
    Re-Valuation (If original valuation was carried out by us)
    £50 + 1% of the overall value Up to 3 weeks
    Valuations where the total is over £50,000 £50 + 0.75% of the overall value Up to 3 weeks
    * Valuations on items over £1000 purchased from us, will be offered free of charge at the time of purchase.
    Lost/stolen letter for insurance replacement will be charge at £50.


    Our valuations for probate purposes are completed in house by Cherie, our Jewellery Department Manager.
    £25 + 3% of the overall value
    7-10 days

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