The August Birthstone: Peridot

The August Birthstone: Peridot
Like June, those born in August have a plethora of birthstones to choose from: Peridot, Spinel and Sardonyx.
Though Sardonyx is the original August birthstone dating back over 4,000 years, the Peridot is the modern favourite for this birth month.
Used for centuries as a protective talisman, the Peridot is said to shield the wearer from evil spirits and terrors of the night.
Often confused for Topaz or Emerald, it is speculated that Cleopatra’s famous Emerald adornments may in fact have featured Peridot gems like the shrine of the Three Holy Kings in Germany’s Cologne Cathedral which was thought to host 200 carats of Emeralds, which were in fact Peridot.
The Peridot gems colour ranges from a yellowy to brownish green.
Formed under extreme conditions in the lava carried from the depths of the earth’s mantle, the rarest sources of Peridot come from out of this world, these gems are created in meteorites which fall to earth.
Though Peridot found in Meteorites are amongst the rarest, those found on the Egyptian island of Topazios have been prized for centuries, Topazios is the oldest recorded sources of the gem stones and is where some of the most desired Peridot were found.
Discover the natural wonder of Peridot Beach in Hawaii, where the sands shimmer a luminous shade of green from fine particles of the gem being found naturally in the sand.
Discover more about Peridot and the other August birthstones with one of our jewellery expert’s in-store where they can help you find the ideal gift for your August born loved ones or partners when celebrating 15 years of wedded bliss.