Diamond Buying Guide

Diamond Buying Guide
Few precious stones undergo the scrutiny that diamonds are subject to before they make their way to being showcased on in the sales room.
This is because the smallest variation in any of the four C's - Carat, Colour, Clarity & Cut - can significantly alter the value of a diamond. It is important to understand these factors before making a purchase as two similar looking diamonds can have extreme differences in quality and value.
Our buying guide will help you be more informed when making a diamond purchase and navigate your way clearly through all the technical jargon.
Though commonly referred to as being a 'white' stone, a diamond can in fact come in many subtle colour variations.
A diamonds colour is graded by the GIA on a scale of D to Z, ranging from colourless to a light yellow or brown. Fancy colour diamonds with a distinct colouration such as green, pink or blue are graded according to the intensity of there colour.
To the untrained eye these subtle colour variations may not be visible. A trained jeweller or laboratory will be able to determine a diamonds colour.
The cut of a diamond does not refer to its shape, it is the angle, proportions and symmetry of a finished stone.
Precise workmanship is required, as the cut a stone will affect how it reflects light and its overall sparkles. A jeweller may refer to these attributes as brilliance, fire and scintillation.
The brilliance of a diamond is evident in the amount of light reflected from a diamond. Fire is reflected in the dispersion of light into the colours of the spectrum, and the scintillation is how the diamond sparkles in the light.
A well proportioned diamond will cut to maximise these attributes, if the diamond is cut poorly the light will escape from the stone resulting in a dull appearance and sparkle.
The clarity of a diamond depends on number of imperfections or inclusion, as well as the size, relief and positioning. Typically these are not visible to the naked eye and can only been seen under a magnification.
A diamonds clarity grade will range from FL (Flawless) where no inclusions are visible under magnification to I3 (Imperfect) with visible inclusions.
Inclusion will reduce the amount of light that can reflect through the stone causing a dull diamond with less sparkle and scintillation and decreasing its value. The fewer inclusions, the clearer and more valuable a stone will be.
Carat is the weight in which diamonds are sold, this does not refer to the dimensional size of the stone. The word Carat originates from the carob seed, which was historically used to weight diamonds and other precious stones.
One carat can be divided in to 100 'points', for example a 50 point diamond will be referred to as having a 0.5carat weight.
For more information and assistance in finding the perfect diamond for your or your loved one join our experienced in-store how will be happy to guide you though our collection of diamond rings and jewellery.
Once you have made your purchase do not forget to protect your diamonds by ensuring they have appraised and insured. Ask our staff team for more information on our insurance and valuation services today.